Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Fall Nitrogen Considerations for Wheat

Many producers have completed harvest and have finished up drilling wheat. Some producers may or may not have put down a source on nitrogen (N) prior to all of last week’s rainfall. However, for those that did not, don’t fret.  In most years there is adequate residual N following corn. However most areas in Kentucky in 2015 had pretty good corn yields and a considerable amount of rainfall earlier in the season. Good corn yields coupled with high rainfall probably means that there is very little residual N remaining in the soil profile, however don’t get too excited if you did not get any nitrogen down on your wheat.

Numerous studies at UK have not shown a consistent yield advantage to fall N applications for wheat. However, fall N does stimulate growth and establishment of the stand. Too much fall N could reduce yields by causing excessive growth and more winterkill.

What does this mean for fall wheat growth and what should be done? Some states (e.g. Maryland) will not allow an N application prior to March 1st unless a soil nitrate tests indicate very low levels of soil nitrate (less than 10 ppm) in the soil profile. The University of Kentucky does not make N recommendations based on soil nitrate for wheat, but typical baseline soil nitrate values are around 8-10 ppm nitrate collected to a depth of 12 inches.

According to UK Extension Soils Specialist Dr. Edwin Ritchey and Dr. Josh McGrath, if you are at or below this range, 30 lb N/A will probably not cause too much fall growth that would lead to management issues later in the season. The later wheat is planted, the more beneficial an N application will be to stimulate fall growth. Producers that decide to make a fall N application can easily achieve this if DAP (18-46-0) is being applied at or near wheat planting. A strict N source like urea or UAN can also be used with little potential for volatilization losses, but make sure to not exceed 40 lb N/A in the fall. For producers that are not applying DAP fertilizer in the fall, a good option is to wait to observe fall wheat growth and make N adjustments as needed. If yellowing or slower than normal growth is observed, then topdressing with 30 lb N/A is an option.

If you decide to not apply fall N, but are still curious as to whether it would have provided benefit, you can conduct your own research trial. Simply put three or more strips with 20 – 40 lbs N/A in random locations in your field this fall. Mark these “treated” locations with gps and/or flags. Follow the same spring N program for the entire field and then check your yield monitor data at harvest to see if there was a benefit.

For more information or help conducting you own on-farm research or for more information on fertility requirements for wheat production, contact the McLean County Cooperative Extension Office at (270)273-3690.  Educational programs of the Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability or national origin.

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