Wednesday, March 18, 2015

National Ag Day

If you're like many Americans, the answer is the grocery store. And frankly, that disturbs me. The grocery store isn't where food comes from - it's just from where it's distributed. In reality, far too many people are unaware of the role of American agriculture in their daily lives . . . and what it really takes to have food on their dinner table.

Just a few generations ago, most people were a part of - and had friends or relatives involved with - agriculture. Today, that's no longer the case. That's why I'm writing, because agriculture is responsible for providing the necessities of life . . . food, fiber, clothing, and shelter. And it's about time Americans recognize that contribution!

American farmers are working harder than ever, and it shows. Today, each American farmer feeds more than 144 people. And the need for food produced in the United States is dramatic. Agriculture is this nation's #1 export and vitally important in sustaining a healthy economy.

And it's not just the farmer who makes our food possible. The entire agriculture industry, all the way to the grocery store, are vital links in a chain that brings food to every citizen - and millions of people abroad.

Frankly, it's easy to take agriculture for granted in America. Our food is readily accessible and safe. For this, we're unbelievably fortunate . . . but that doesn't mean we don't have an obligation to recognize how it's made possible.

Today March 18th, 2015, is National Ag Day. Ag Day is a good time to reflect - and be grateful for - American agriculture!

To celebrate National Ag Day I spent the day with our first graders discussing farming and where our food comes from.  We read the book "Before We Eat, From Farm to Table" and created garden gloves.  For pictures from today's National Ag Day celebration here in McLean County visit my Facebook Page at

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