Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Enroll in America's Farmers Grow Communities


Here is a great opportunity to give back to your community and it only takes a few minutes!!! Enroll today!

Farmer enrollment for America’s Farmers Grow Communities is August 1 - November 30.

In 2015, America’s Farmers Grow Communities, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund, will invest another $3.3 million to help rural communities grow in 1,324 counties across 40 states. Since 2010, with farmer help, we have invested more than $16 million into rural America.

America’s Farmers Grow Communities, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund, improves lives in rural communities through farmer directed donations. The program, which launched in 2010, allows farmers to enter to win $2,500 for their favorite community nonprofit organization, such as 4-H, FFA, schools, fire departments, food pantries and more. One winner is selected in each of the 1,324 eligible counties across 40 states.

Rural communities are the heart of America. It’s where we find the people who work hard to feed, fuel and clothe our country and the world. Our community outreach programs focus on strengthening the rural communities where farmers and their families live and work. We partner with farmers to determine where $2,500 will be donated within their community. Farmers know best and choose the nonprofit organization in their community where the donation will make the most impact.

Click on the link below to read more and enroll today:

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